Make your family
part of ours.

When schools and families work together every child has the potential to succeed.

Enroll your child

Leadership at all levels

Not only do we expect our students to practice leadership, we also expect it from our teachers, administrators and parents.

Educating and supporting children inside the classroom is important for any child's education. But what happens outside the classroom — whether it's on the playground, the field or at home — has just as much of an impact on a child's growth and development. That's why we focus on working with our teachers, administrators, parents and community to ensure we're working together and leading by example.

In order to make the biggest impact — and educate the whole child — we need collaboration and leadership at all levels.

Illustration of family holding hands

As a parent, it's important for me to be included in the education of my children. The Leadership School will allow me to be an academic partner - on the team with my children's teachers - working to guide my children as they grow.

Aaron W.
Longtime Resident and Leadership School Parent

Elementary education reimagined

Educating the next generation of student leaders is a year round effort that requires community support and not settling for the status quo. That's why we're rethinking how we educate, support and mentor our student leaders.

Community Tutors

Through a partnership with Smart Kids Inc. to provide the Tutor Me Program, we have local college and high school students working 1-on-1 with our student leaders on academic tutoring, mentoring, STEM activities, and homework.

Learn more about Smart Kids Inc.

Impact Projects

Our student leaders don't stop learning during the summer months. We organize leadership camps and community impact projects to foster additional growth and maintain engagement when school is not in session.

Leader In Me

Leader in Me is a research-validated comprehensive process designed to address social emotional needs, college and career readiness, and the development of a strong educational and student leadership culture.

Learn more about Our Approach

Speak with a family ambassador

Want to speak with someone in your shoes? We have knowledgeable, enthusiastic family ambassadors who are walking in your footsteps — and they're happy to answer any questions.

Get in touch
Map of The Leadership School district

Serving families in the Normandy District

The Leadership School is a free, open enrollment public school for students residing in the 24:1 footprint, within the Normandy Schools Collaborative district boundaries, in which it will operate.

A typical day for our student leaders

When making a decision for your child's education, it can be helpful to know what they'll be doing throughout the day.

Daily Schedule
Kindergarten - 3rd Grade

7:45 - 8:15
Building Opens for Arrival/Breakfast
8:15 - 8:30
Morning Meeting in Prides
8:30 - 10:00
ELA Block (with Phonics)
10:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:45
11:50 - 12:30
1:45 - 2:30
Afternoon Snack Distributed
2:30 - 3:15
Individualized Learning Block
3:15 - 3:35
Closing Circle/Dismissal
3:45 - 5:45
After School Program w/ Chosen for Change

Enroll your student leader today!

Learn more about enrollment